Friday, June 24, 2011

Mom Shot #13: Stroller Envy

When I found this gorgeous Stokke parked right in front of my Uppa the other day, I had to stop and check it out up close. It's a stroller that always grabs my attention because of its sleek structure, high seat and overall modern (almost futuristic) design.
It kinda makes me feel like my stroller is mediocre, even though I chose it from tons of research and, well, the trend.
The names of these strollers lend themselves to a very real lesson: something will always UP(ppa) our choices and put us to shame no matter how STOK(ke)D we were about out own decision ;)
And the truth is, in the end we're all the same in that we paid way, way too much.


  1. I really like our uppa baby.. I think the other one looks like a space ship, just like the orbit..yea we definitely paid way too much..babies are expensive..and some of their things are soooo heavy sometimes (like the stroller and car seat)

  2. Oh and one other thing about this space ship type stroller is that it is completely lacking a of the biggest benefits of the uppa baby :D


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