In honor of my anniversary last week, I'm posting some of wedding pictures—accented by my 5 Reasons To Look At Your Wedding Pictures!I hope it can remind all you LadyMamas out there—whether married for one year or 30!—to occasionally look through your album and relive the joy and meaning that was your wedding day!
1. Get motivated. Whether it's to lose weight or some inspiration to plan a date night, perusing through wedding pictures makes me feel motivated again. It reminds me how things were on the most celebrated day of my life: the body that had the stamina to dance way into the night like a rockstar....the naive, unburdened and limitless love in our eyes. Opening the wedding album is like a little burst of a good self-help book!

2. Feel the love. Of course, the wedding is about you and your spouse. But look at how all your friends and family got dressed up, danced like crazy and showered you with joy. Looking at all the people that attended makes me realize that the people who know and love me create a great big circle of love, joy, care and support.

3. Show the kids. My son has a blast whenever he sees our wedding pictures. "Mama" and "Dada" together—the two people who love him the most— smiling away. I think he wonders why he doesn't see us looking like that on the average day. Maybe that's why he cracks up so hard.

4. Look how far we've come. I see us as bride and groom and see how much we've changed and grown for each other these past three years. And mostly, how enriched our lives are since bringing our sons into the world. I mean, we were awesome then...but they've only upped our cool-factor.

5. Perspective. Our parents didn't splurge for a big celebration for nothing. They knew that having a beautiful and memorable celebration would always be something to center us, to guide us. No matter where life goes, and what challenges it brings, we have a remarkable beginning to look back to—and remind us that even when years pass since our wedding day, there is something beautiful and true to always return to.
If you're a bride, feel free to e-mail me about my photographer or florists. I will happily rave and provide further information! :)
2 LadyMama voices:
It's a great day, I love the looks.
you're GORGEOUS!!!!
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