Remember my first Fall Inspiration post with Fashion-Isha? Well, introducing installment numero dos!
Once again, my daring fall looks are accented—no, empowered!—by remarkable pictures that only Sharon could find! Check it all out here!
And make sure to check out Fashion-Isha's ridiculously beautiful and inspiring posts since! She is an incredible blogger who finds (and gives away!) awesome stuff!

Sharon (remember her LadyMama guest post on Ways To Wear Black?) is a real modest-fashion aficionado. I am constantly in awe at how she finds the most amazing "divine and refined" looks to share with her followers (seriously, you must like her Facebook page to see this stuff!). Go read the post and show some love by commenting!
2 LadyMama voices:
Love it! Your too cute you fashion Isha!
Love it! Your too cute you Fashion Isha!
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